programme: triennal communication and education programme

client: confartigianato verona

team: sophia los, confartigianato verona, davide charlie ceccon, alchimia degli eventi, teresa piardi

guests: ernesto sirolli, the sirolli institute

city/area: verona, italy

status: 2018- 2020, in progress



The project is dedicated to the constructions sector, and it addresses all the professions and designers, architects in particular. The aim is to systemise a struggling industry that affects all sectors of economic, social and political life profoundly. The building sector transforms the territory into an environment. Every human experience in an anthropic landscape is influenced by the space built within which it develops.

project Structure:

“Abitare a regola d’arte” (“State-of-the-art Living”) is a project organised in 3 phases. Each phase can give rise to other in-depth projects like transversal spinoffs.

1) 2018 – project presentation: on the one hand showing the importance of organising one’s company efficiently and, on the other, introducing a systemic approach to constructions, starting from a vision of built spaces and their design.

2) 2019 – Focussing on entrepreneurship through the Sirolli method. Workshop with Ernesto Sirolli aimed at artisans and architects.

3) 2020 – Exploring concrete applications of design and production through the CASA Vesta method.

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