“a quale casa tornare” (The home we are returning to) testo esplorare / ricerca

programme: “the home we are returning to” – webinar’s concept and organization

client: INBAR

team: sophia los, gianluca rosso, paola de rosso (grafica)

status: completed, 5th  May 2020



A conversation addressed to all the inhabitants.

The virus showed the frailness of our present way of life. The city streets, first half-deserted, then became occupied by animals, and nature started reclaiming its space.

Silence and starry skies, friendships between neighbours on facing balconies: suddenly, small communities became desirable to many. We think it useful to reflect on how we wish to experience cities and suburban areas. We wonder what shape should take a space to become suitable for a resilient lifestyle, the urgency of which is becoming apparent.

Webinar programme:

• Marco Guzzi – Poet, philosopher, founder of the “Darsi Pace” movement

• Sophia Los and Gianluca Rosso

with the participation of: Anna Carulli, INBAR national president, Marco Caserio, INBAR National Secretary, Cristiana Rossetti, President INBAR -Verona division, Federica Colpo, Estate Agent, Roberta Rocelli, General Director of Festival Biblico, Marisa Fantin Archistudio – Istituto Nazionale Urbanistica, Sergio Los once  professor of Architectural Composition at IUAV University – SYNERGIA progetti, Natasha F.Pulitzer, architect – SYNERGIA progetti, Marco Bussone – UNCEM president (National Union of Municipalities, Communities and Institutions of Mountain Regions).


Abitare con il legno (Designing living spaces with wood) testo esplorare / formazione

programme: a cycle of seminars and final event

client: confartigianato vicenza

authors: sophia los, marina zaccaria

with: loriana martin (graphic design), paola de rosso (villa fabris event), marta stocco

city/area: vicenza, thiene (VI) – italy

status: completed, 2013



Craftspeople, designers and clients often speak different languages. As we deal with the current market, bridging the gap between the three main actors of the living industry is our goal. We aim at highlighting the characteristics of craftwork compared to industrial production since the former better allows the promotion of a culture of sustainability. We seek to ease the passage from one generation to the next.

For this project, we created three dedicated meetings geared towards craftspeople and professionals and organised a final event open to the public with the participation of craft businesses at Villa Fabris in Thiene.

programme: triennal communication and education programme

client: confartigianato verona

team: sophia los, confartigianato verona, davide charlie ceccon, alchimia degli eventi, teresa piardi

guests: ernesto sirolli, the sirolli institute

city/area: verona, italy

status: 2018- 2020, in progress



The project is dedicated to the constructions sector, and it addresses all the professions and designers, architects in particular. The aim is to systemise a struggling industry that affects all sectors of economic, social and political life profoundly. The building sector transforms the territory into an environment. Every human experience in an anthropic landscape is influenced by the space built within which it develops.

project Structure:

“Abitare a regola d’arte” (“State-of-the-art Living”) is a project organised in 3 phases. Each phase can give rise to other in-depth projects like transversal spinoffs.

1) 2018 – project presentation: on the one hand showing the importance of organising one’s company efficiently and, on the other, introducing a systemic approach to constructions, starting from a vision of built spaces and their design.

2) 2019 – Focussing on entrepreneurship through the Sirolli method. Workshop with Ernesto Sirolli aimed at artisans and architects.

3) 2020 – Exploring concrete applications of design and production through the CASA Vesta method.

Place Marketing for the Mountainous Region in the Vicenza Province testo paesaggio / esplorare

programme: “New place marketing for SMEs based in the mountainous region in the Vicenza province” – exhibition and seminars.

client: confartigianato vicenza

team: sophia los, luca fattambrini, massimo meggiolaro

collaborators: renza mara calabrese, matteo pollani, paola de rosso

city/area: asiago (VI) – italy

status: completed, 2008



The Craft Workers Association for the Vicenza Province launched a project titled: “New place marketing for SMEs based in the mountain region in the Vicenza province”. The initiative was backed by the Eu regional development fund to promote economic growth and entrepreneurship within businesses in the mountainous areas.

The plan included activities aiming at boosting productions and local source materials from the Asiago Plateau, particularly marble and wood. With this goal in mind, the program featured a small exhibition dedicated to this topic and three supporting seminars to get a deeper look.

The talks sought to bring private and public entities’ experiences in the realm of regulations and entrepreneurship to professionals from the sector and local organizations’ representatives, thus aiding the community’s economic growth.

Both industries, wood and marble, represent two areas with great potential for economic growth in the Asiago Plateau, but they are currently in a crisis. The competition is intense from raw processing, making it hard to employ local resources. The lack of syndicates limits the scope of shared policies, while the loss of identity of the cityscape enables the spread of incoherent stylistic features and materials.

It is not just about boosting entrepreneurship but also about acting to safeguard the environment by increasing the appreciation of the local materials’ specific qualities, using them in the community, coordinating and grouping the entire supply chain. This approach would help recover the historical architecture typical of this area, returning the Plateau and its landscape to its original appearance.

The exhibition titled: “Notes for a Portrait. Architecture in the Seven Municipalities” presents a preliminary examination of stylistic features, now almost completely gone, typical of the local architecture, to make them recognisable to locals and foreigners alike.

The implementation of incentives for sustainable construction in building regulations could affect not just energy-saving technologies, bio-compatible materials, bio-climatic design but also reward the use of local materials as an ecologic action (it would reduce transportation-related pollution).

Appunti per un ritratto – Testo

Appunti per un ritratto – Mostra

The Bioclimatic Barchessa – benè 2005 testo abitare / allestimenti

Concept, art direction and organisation of a special event: “La barchessa bioclimatica”, within Fiera Bené. Sentieri di Benessere. 



The bioclimatic barchessa provided the expo with a module of the typical vernacular architecture of Veneto. The goal was highlighting the bioclimatic qualities of rural construction. 

The event included a symposium and a related book with the patronage of Ordine degli Architetti P.P.C. of Vicenza. 

The speakers invited included expert historians (Lionello Puppi and Giuseppe Barbieri) alongside Sergio Los, a pioneer in bioclimatic architecture.

The speakers’ panel included Lionello Puppi and Giuseppe Barbieri, who addressed the historical issues, alongside Sergio Los, a pioneer of bioclimatic architecture, highlighting the environmental aspects.

“Architettura per il Veneto verso uno sviluppo sostenibile” – Fiera Bené, Vicenza, 5 novembre 2005

Organizzatore e moderatore: Sophia Los

Speackers: Prof. Lionello Puppi, Prof. Giuseppe Barbieri, Prof. Sergio Los, Arch. Giuseppe Pilla. with the patronage of Ordine Architetti P.P.C.  di Vicenza.





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