programme: catalogue art direction and branding for Casa&Go

client: abitare italiano society by fenestra veneta

team: sophia los, loriana martin

city/area: veneto – italy

status: completed, 2014



In 2017, a group of woodwork businesses, forming a consortium under the name Fenestra Veneta, asked me to repurpose a trading name I had proposed years before to Confartigianato Vicenza (2008), Casa&co. From its conception, the brand focused on promoting eco-compatible architecture, so I was asked to design a mobile exhibition stand with Luca Fattambrini, eventually never realised. The Fenestra Veneta Consortium bought the trading name, inherited by Loriana Martin, with whom we created a dedicated catalogue. Through the new Casa&co branding, the group’s philosophy extended to the home, always within the woodwork sector. The catalogue’s purpose was to highlight made-in-Italy production and some peculiarities of the Veneto region. The brand would become a means to mark the businesses’ collective presence in the national and international market.


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